Listing Optimization

Listing Optimization

(Directories and Citations)

Citations are references with data concerning your business. Citations are consistent information about your business; for example, your business's address name and phone number increase the chances of ranking your business in search engines.

Google uses the data obtained and determines which search results to portray in certain specific areas. If you provide inconsistent data, you may do a lot of damage to your business because the information will help your business rank.

What Are Virtual Business Directories?

Directory websites are online scrapers that obtain firm data to provide a relevant database for the various engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etcetera. Such sites include Citysearch, Yelp, Google My Business, and 

Business directories have a multitude of SEO benefits for your business. Your business gets listed hence shows up in SERPS because they obtain as accurately as possible from your business. Plus, you get a link from some of the trustworthy websites that relate to your enterprise.

What Is the Difference Between Link-Building Citations and Directories?

Citations are often confused with internal or external linkage to your Website. Directories obtain information from your Website for search Engine uses, while citations are quotations of your business' data that include the Name, Address, and Phone. 

Linking adds hyperlinks to your Website content that connects your work to a possibly higher-ranking website to command Websites. You may interconnect your website content as well and optimizes your content for ranking high in SERPs.

Which Citations Are Best for A Local Business Website?

Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, and Bing Maps are the best citations for a local business website. There are different citation categories and we will determine the best directories for your type of business. We will ensure that your business is enlisted in its citation category. Each group of citations has its rank and authority. But remember, one of the critical considerations is trustworthiness for your business to rank.

How to Select the Ideal Citations?

There are thousands of business directories on which local businesses can create local listings. These include traditional business directories like YPMapquest, and Yahoo, who combined have an average of 237 million monthly active searchers. But can also include search engines and social networks, whose platforms house business listings too. There is great value in your local listings being consistent and accurate across these sites. We will make sure you are synced a listed on the top directories that will benefit your business and its online visibility.

How to Upgrade Your Citations For SEO?

To ensure your citations are optimized, keep the following factors into consideration—the consistency of your business NAP. Also, business descriptions and keywords plus your citations' category contribute a great deal to your rank. Some are more optimized than others.


Citations will enable your enterprise to top-rank in SEO. If you have not yet enrolled for directories and included citations for your small or big firm, you're missing tremendous benefits already disposed to you. Contact us today!

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